
Thank you dearly for coming to this page! I am full of joy and excitement to share my life with you. It is a privilege and honor to get to tell you about what is going on in my day-to-day, my mind, and my heart. Christ, my King and Savior, has been there through each step of my journey. In Him, everything has purpose. There is a God story being written that is much bigger than my Haley-story. I pray to be moldable and unresisting clay in His hands. I pray that God will shape my life into a masterpiece vessel to be filled and used by Him. Thank you for following this blog. Even more than that though, I invite you to come follow Him with me!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Unlike anything I've seen! An estimated 500,000 people gathered in Madrid to watch the World Cup Championship. Insanely crazy and an amazing experience! It blew my mind that that many people flooded into the streets to see the game. Javi (my brother and intern sidekick for the summer) and I got to join the excitement that turned into victory. It was a sweaty day of smiles, laughs, Spanish culture, enthusiasm, and pumping adrenaline for Spain. Incredible to say the least! :) 

We thought we were going home after church in Madrid, but ended up staying in town. The service got out at 2. Game started at 8:30. Adventure time... in a dress and a jersey. After navigating through the metro and getting sandwiches at a corner stop, we rested at a Starbucks. Around 5:00, we went into the park to join the Spanish people, who were full of excitement, joy, energy, and pride for their country. I thought it might be scary, but everyone was so happy. There was dance. There was song. There were flags, and noisemakers, and a sea of red. We had no problem staying entertained. It was a day of people-watching and picture-taking. 

The game started and the ocean of people got even crazier. I didn't feel scared though. It was like we were Spanish... "Yo soy Espanol, Espanol, Espanol!" Then we'd cry... "Que viva Espana, Olaayyy Olaayyy!!" Incredible! The chants are still playing in my head today. :)

In the second-half we made our way through the people, going to the nearest metro stop. It takes an hour & a half to get to IMM from the city on public transportation, and the last metro ran at 11:40. We needed to make sure we could get it. We found a cafe where over a hundred people were sitting around an outside tv. Another awesome experience. With slushy lemonades, Javi and I got to watch the game go into overtime. When Spain scored, the people went crazy! The whole staff of the restaurant came out and were hugging each other and watching with the crowd. It was like everyone knew everyone. One big, happy Spanish family united for one cause. Man, I pray for people to rise up with this excitement for Jesus. How incredible is that family gathering going to be! I can't wait to see Jesus.

After the win, cars are honking and flags are flying out the windows everywhere. It was crazy! We were laughing and singing and running to catch the train. That was one of the coolest parts of the night. Then, there was the train ride home! The train was flooded with people. 46...47...48... the temperature on the flashing screens kept rising as people were smoking and jumping around. They waved flags, sung songs, swayed, did the wave, and dripped with sweat. I was melting, water pouring all over. It was over 100 degrees outside, but the temperature reached 50 degrees Celcius inside the train-way over 100 degrees Fahrenheit. Long story short, we eventually got home and woke up in victory for work the next morning. It was an awesome adventure!

In the album, there are pictures from El Escorial too. On Saturday, Jerry took us to a beautiful monastery there, about 45 minutes away from IMM. I feel so blessed. It's been an incredible summer in Spain and the Lord is teaching me so much. I can't believe the things I've gotten to see, the people I've met, and the quiet times alone when He has been growing me. Being away from home/school and my comfort zone has softened me and taught me more than I could have expected. I can't wait to keep sharing what I am learning with you. 

Pictures:  http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=2053861&id=1511970319&l=38a6738e3d

More news... Spain has been busy and exciting! Work is going really well. The long days make me sleepy, but I am getting alot of experience and falling more in love with design. One of Javi's summer jobs was to completely revamp the website. He got to launch it yesterday. Even though it's still in progress, it looks awesome. He has done a great job. Please click around it if you want. The address is www.imm.edu. I have gotten to design the newletter, Go Borderless material, logo, and the prayer guide. Under prayer needs, it pulls up a downloadable prayer book. Each day there is an IMM associate/project/or partner to pray for, as well as a nation of the world. It has been a blessing to me to get to spend time at work researching countries and their people. So so many have never heard about the man that I believe is Savior and King. It has opened my eyes and makes my heart long to tell people the best news I've ever heard... about a God of love and grace that wants to give us hope, freedom, and life. 

"Everything comes alive in my life as I Him higher. Freedom is here." -Hillsong

Thank you so much for your time and your love. Know that I'm sending big hugs and smiles across the Internet to you. Keep shining. Live a'little today! It's summerrrrtimmmee! :) 


Kyle Kite said...

Great stuff to hear!

We're praying for you and miss you.

So excited about all God's doing through you. You're such an encouragement.

-The Kites.