
Thank you dearly for coming to this page! I am full of joy and excitement to share my life with you. It is a privilege and honor to get to tell you about what is going on in my day-to-day, my mind, and my heart. Christ, my King and Savior, has been there through each step of my journey. In Him, everything has purpose. There is a God story being written that is much bigger than my Haley-story. I pray to be moldable and unresisting clay in His hands. I pray that God will shape my life into a masterpiece vessel to be filled and used by Him. Thank you for following this blog. Even more than that though, I invite you to come follow Him with me!

Monday, July 5, 2010


In awe of the King. Life in Him is the most beautiful thing I have felt, experienced, or known. Softening is a journey. I pray that my selfish motivations, my constant tendency to focus on my Haley-story/wants/desires, and my hardened-inward heart to be broken, softened, surrendered. Following feelings keeps my life an up and down roller coaster. I can't do it anymore.

God, please soften me, break me, humble me, meet my weaknesses with your strength. Take me through the flames so that I can be refined, softened, moldable to be changed into your character. Love. Joy. Peace. Patience. Kindness. Goodness. Faithfulness. Gentleness. Self-Control. God, help me believe that this is who you are. Fight away all my misconceptions and indifference. Please take me low so that I can be used by you. I need you. You are the most beautiful thing I know. May I know you more. I want to fall deeper in love with you.

"Let me sing for the breath that You've given
Every day for the life You sustain
The beat of the heart you formed when I was made
Let me worship your wonder and splendor
Though the heavens Your glory proclaim
They don't know the price You paid for my life,
The sacrifice you made

Let me sing, louder than creation to You
For the pain You bore in Your body, to bring my soul to You
Let me shine, brighter than the stars in the sky
An offering of praise all my life, to You my Holy King

Let me sing for the mercy You've given
Undeserving and broken am I
Though I've turned away, Your faithfulness remains
Let me live in Your light forever,
As I walk through the course of my days
And join to proclaim, with all of the saints, the Only worthy name"
-Todd Fields