
Thank you dearly for coming to this page! I am full of joy and excitement to share my life with you. It is a privilege and honor to get to tell you about what is going on in my day-to-day, my mind, and my heart. Christ, my King and Savior, has been there through each step of my journey. In Him, everything has purpose. There is a God story being written that is much bigger than my Haley-story. I pray to be moldable and unresisting clay in His hands. I pray that God will shape my life into a masterpiece vessel to be filled and used by Him. Thank you for following this blog. Even more than that though, I invite you to come follow Him with me!

Monday, June 28, 2010

A Letter

I got the privilege to help write a letter today about what International Media Ministries is doing. It's a blessing to be a part. I heard the concept of "Awakening" for the first time at the Passion Conference back in January. I want to wake up. Passion is more than just a conference. Passion is a lifestyle. I want to passionately pursue the King and fearlessly tell others about His love.

A letter from International Media Ministries...
"Why are most movies produced in English? One word: Money. People will pay to experience a great story. Do you think mainstream media companies will choose to produce content in multiple languages in the near future? The chances that people will ever watch Lord of the Rings or Avatar in the Mohawk, Naskapi, or other tribal languages is slim to none. There is no monetary motivation for producers to take this step.

What about the millions of people that don’t speak English? Big time movie makers will not spend the time to translate the message into the many tongues. It isn’t necessary. The movie is only for entertainment anyways. It serves its purpose of bringing in money through only one language. At International Media Ministries, we are in a different league. We believe that there is one story that is necessary to be told to all and heard by all, despite the cost. It isn’t about profit. The purpose of the production is all in the story-telling.

We are in the business of taking the greatest story ever told and delivering it to as many people, in their own heart language. A pilot program here at IMM is in the process of translating selected clips from our Parables of Jesus series, to tell the story in the native tongue of many small nations. We are working with Mother Tongue Translators, VSM, and SIL, all of which are part of the Wycliffe Translators Group.

There are hundreds of micro-language groups around the world. Many follow oral-tradition and have little to no written language. Of course movie producers wouldn't take the time on these forgotten peoples. There is no money there. At IMM, we seek to keep the focus on Christ's call to go and tell. We are passionately pursuing this call. Casting Crowns hit the point in their song, "Until the Whole World Hears."

Revelation refers to the ones that will stand before the King on the final day. "There's a vast crowd, too great to count, from every nation and tribe and people and language, standing in front of the throne and before the Lamb," Revelation 7:9. It is our responsibility to make it possible for these people to hear the story. There is not such a thing as "equally lost." There are millions that have never heard of a man named Jesus. It is a different league than the many around the world that see the corner church and choose a different way. May we rise up to tell the story that has changed our lives. It is not about money. It is about spreading the fame of Jesus."